Ärmel sind längst nicht mehr nur ein Attribut für ein klassisches Brautkleid. Ganz im Gegenteil! Brautkleider mit Ärmeln sind aktuell eine der beliebtesten Optionen unter Bräuten geworden. Von Off-the-Shoulder-Silhouetten bis hin zu Vintage-inspirierten Perlen-Ärmeln gibt es für jede Braut das passende Modell mit Ärmeln, um ihren persönlichen Brautstil zu verwirklichen.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wedding dresses with sleeves are very much in style for brides. Modern wedding dresses with long crepe sleeves are very of the moment and on-trend. Detachable sleeves and off-the-shoulder sleeves are the perfect way to incorporate this trend into your wedding day.

Yes! You can totally wear a long sleeve wedding dress in the summer. What’s so great about wedding dresses with sleeves is that there are so many different fabrics and styles to choose from. Try and go for a sheer sleeve or something with illusion tulle for a lighter feeling, or, try off-the-shoulder sleeves if you want to wear your dress in hotter temps.

Long sleeve wedding dresses are very comfortable. If you want a wedding dress with sleeves, make sure to try on a variety of gowns and move around in them, lift up your arms and test out your range of motion in each dress before saying “yes.” Try choosing a dress with soft fabrics if you’re worried about the dress being easy-to-wear.

Try pairing your long sleeve wedding dress with a gorgeous bouquet and a simple updo to really highlight the sleeves of your gown.

Most wedding dress retailers will have a variety of gowns for you to choose from. Long sleeve wedding dresses can be found at almost every store – just make sure to tell your bridal consultant what you’re looking for so they can have the best dresses ready for you!